2023-2024 Executive Board Nominations

L FOR NOMINATIONS - 2023 Executive Board

Nominate yourself or another colleague. 

CAPACRAO is a registered 501C3 non-profit. As an affiliate of AACRAO, Executive Board leaders volunteer an average of 5 hours a month to facilitate strategy, engagement and development for our membership. Serving as a member of the CAPACRAO Executive Board aids in enhancing business and virtual team working skills, provides an opportunity to get involved in local, regional and national strategic enrollment management initiatives, and is a great opportunity to sustain and push the association to the next level. 

Additional benefits:

We're looking for individuals who can provide diverse perspectives, a voice for our members and their key skills to lead the association forward. Don't delay, nomination yourself or a colleague today! Nominations will be accepted through Friday, May 5, 2023.

The following positions will be elected in June, 2023:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President, Communications and Secretary
  • Treasurer-Elect

Current institutional membership is required in order to be officially nominated. 

Nominations will be accepted through Friday, May 5, 2023. 
Newly elected officers will take office July 1, 2023.

Interested in other leadership opportunities?
CAPACRAO is seeking several member volunteers to serve on CAPACRAO Standing Committees. View CAPACRAO Standing Committees here. Email [email protected] to join today.

Thank you for your commitment to CAPACRAO and we look forward to receiving your nominations. 

Learn More about CAPACRAO Board Nominations & Elections today!


Johnika Dreher
Immediate Past President and Nominating Chair

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