March Professional Development Calendar
March Professional Development Calendar
February Professional Development Calendar
November Professional Development Calendar
September Professional Development Calendar
August Professional Development Calendar
July Professional Development Calendar
June Professional Development Calendar
May Professional Development Calendar
The Wellness Series: Academic Success- Time Management| May 7, 2024, 4:00PM-5:00PM | Virtual: University of Maryland, College Park
April Professional Development Calendar
Ignite Your Career!
1) What Is your role at your current institution?
RSVP to join AACRAO State and Regional leaders to explore the Future of Enrollment Management and 5 Ways to Leverage Your Role on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 3 PM.
Explore ways to get involved in CAPACRAO and AACRAO.
Nominate yourself or another colleague.
CAPACRAO is a registered 501C3 non-profit. As an affiliate of AACRAO, Executive Board leaders volunteer an average of 5 hours a month to facilitate strategy, engagement and development for our membership. Serving as a member of the CAPACRAO Executive Board aids in enhancing business and virtual team working skills, provides an opportunity to get involved in local, regional and national strategic enrollment management initiatives, and is a great opportunity to sustain and push the association to the next level.
I recently dialogued with a few colleagues about the Chronicle of Higher Education Op-Ed piece, Higher Ed Is a Land of Dead-End Jobs. So, episode 2 was a timely conversation unpeeling the ill-discussed realities of working in higher education - the undefined ladder to leadership, the role of mentorship, and the impacts of race, gender, and a lack of representation. It was refreshing to hear the divergent paths of three unique leaders, although each sit within the S.E.M. area of Records and Academic Services. Although I loved A Different World, I never imagined I could, or would, work in higher education. Listening to the conversation led me reflectively down my career path and various personal experiences that span two decades.
Name: Sheena Jackson
Institution and Role: Director of Admissions & Scholarships
Number of years at your institution: 15
CAPACRAO would like to acknowledge Dr. Reginald Garcon for being highlighted in last month's edition of The Successful Registrar (see below)! In addition to being an outstanding Registrar, Dr. Garcon has served as CAPACRAO's Vice President of Programming (2021-2022) and currently serves as our President-Elect. Congratulations and well deserved, Dr. Garcon!
2022 Executive Board
Nominate yourself or colleagues.
Here are some of the benefits of CAPACRAO membership:
Why join a professional association? We’ve complied a list of 12 benefits of becoming an active member of an association.